Kentucky Home Exteriors

What is Home Exterior Remodeling?

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Home exterior remodeling refers to replacing siding, windows, doors, and other elements of your home’s exterior. For many homeowners, the exterior is a part of the home that they spend much of their money on.

Read on to learn more about remodeling for your home’s exterior so you know what to expect.

There Are Many Options for Most Exterior Products

There are many options for exterior products, with one notable exception. Many companies vastly prefer James Hardie siding for its overall quality. In fact, Kentucky Home Exteriors only offers James Hardie siding because of its superior value.

As far as windows and doors go, there is a broad range of products that will suit virtually any need. Every home has different window and door needs, so you will be pleased to have a broader selection of products to choose from. One of the things your contractor will be able to do is highlight the good and bad points about each of the products to help you make more informed choices.

One of the advantages of having a range of products is being able to select options that suit your budget. Updating your home is something that you should be able to do without worrying about whether the costs are manageable. You’ll be able to make better plans when you know how affordable your project is.

You Should Have a Good Idea of How Long Home Exterior Remodeling Will Take

One of the most important pieces of information you’ll need to have is how long the home exterior remodeling job will take. A common deterrent for many people is concern that they will be dealing with weeks of noise and disruption to their everyday life. The good news is that getting your exterior remodeled doesn’t have to turn your life upside down.

Many siding jobs, barring unseen problems, can be completed in as little as 5-7 days. Windows often take 1-2 days, with projects that involve replacing multiple windows naturally taking longer. Any interruptions because of the work being done will, hopefully, have a minimal effect.

Contractors will need to move things around to access areas where they are replacing siding, windows, or other exterior components for easier access. However, qualified professionals will get everything moved back to where it is supposed to be after the job has been completed. Dumpsters or other items may be used temporarily but will be removed with the job’s completion.

Products Used for Exterior Remodeling Have Warranties

One thing that provides peace of mind for many homeowners is knowing that warranties are available from the manufacturers. With these guarantees, you have the assurance of your products being replaced if something goes wrong. Your contractor will be able to give you all the specifications about the warranty options that are available for your exteriors, as well as the terms and conditions.

Being able to have the professionals who installed your products there if something goes wrong will come as a welcome relief. There are few things more frustrating or stressful for homeowners than having someone unfamiliar with the original job having to take things over. You don’t need to worry about a different level or quality of care being given to the replacement, as the best contractors take great pride in the work that they do.

What Are Your Next Steps When Your Home Needs Remodeling?

When you need work done on your home’s exterior, you might feel somewhat overwhelmed. There is a lot to keep in mind, and you might not have a clear idea of what you want. Fortunately, good contractors will be able to guide you in making the right decision.

Kentucky Home Exteriors is ready and willing to help with all your home exterior remodeling needs; contact us today to see how we can help.

Chris Demuth

Chris DeMuth

Founder & CEO

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