Kentucky Home Exteriors

The Average Cost Of Front Door Replacement

cost of front door replacement

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Estimating the cost of front door replacement is tricky because numerous factors come into play. For example, you need to consider the type of door, the material and size, hardware, extra features, and labor costs.

Trust a professional with your door replacement to make the most of your investment. The price of a new door is nothing compared with the cost of constant maintenance or another door replacement if it’s installed poorly.

The Average Cost of Front Door Replacement

The national average cost to install a front door ranges between $450-$1700, making the average about $1100.

But several factors make that price higher or lower.

  • Type of door
  • Door materials
  • Framing
  • Unforeseen installation issues
  • Customized components
  • High-end finishes
  • Glasswork
  • Smart locks

All of these factors will increase the cost of front door replacement.

Factors Affecting Door Replacement Cost

The fact that door replacements vary in cost is a good thing. It means that you can find a door you love in your budget.


Labor accounts for 30%-35% of the cost of a door replacement, but this number also depends on the complexity of the installation. Pre-hung doors can be quicker to install than retrofitting a door into an existing frame.

When you fit a new door, the installers may need to make adjustments and modifications. When replacing an existing door, the old door, hinges, and hardware must also be removed, which takes time and effort.


Hollow core and composite wood doors are more budget-friendly in the short term. Fiberglass doors can range in price from $250-$2000. They require an upfront investment but are durable and low maintenance, making them popular.


Buying the door is one thing, but essential hardware can significantly affect the door replacement price. Locks, handles, hinges, jambs, and deadbolt locks all add to the cost of front door replacement. Also, the heavier the door, the more hinges and jambs are needed. That is another reason fiberglass doors are popular: they are light.

Door Type and Size

Standard single doors are the cheapest at $200-$1700, but that depends on your customizations. Bigger doors, like double or French doors, require more materials and custom components, making them more expensive.

Front doors usually also cost more than interior doors. External doors need to look good but also play an important role in your home security. They are also exposed to the elements, requiring extra features that make them weatherproof.

Extra Features

A professional door replacement can be simple, but a number of extra features can add to the value of your home, increase curb appeal, and protect your home.

  • Smart locks: Smart locks that use a mobile app, keypad, or biometric scanning can make your front door more secure.
  • Portico: A portico can protect your front door from the elements, helping it last longer.
  • Side and Transom Windows: Windows can allow more light into your home.
  • Security System: A security system could include specialized locks, cameras, and peepholes.

Signs You Need a New Door

Here are some common signs that it may be time for a door replacement.

  • Your door is hard to open and close.
  • There is light around the closed door, and it is drafty.
  • Your door creaks.
  • Visible damage like cracks, warping, and dents.
  • Faded or peeling paint or finish.
  • Increased maintenance needs.

Make the Cost of Front Door Replacement Worth It

There is no denying that a door replacement is a substantial investment. But the best way to make that investment worth it is to trust a professional with the project. Our Kentucky Home Exterior team has the experience and expertise to provide an excellent installation with a customer-focused process. If you need a new door and want to learn more about the cost of front door replacement, contact us for a free in-person consultation.

Chris Demuth

Chris DeMuth

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